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0.94747088750707 = Rh. 2.01 * 0.4 + P. 0.23911814584511 * (1-0.4) [F] trad.: Des rubans, des rubines, area: Nivernais, origin: France

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0.94747088750707 = Rh. 2.01 * 0.4 + P. 0.23911814584511 * (1-0.4) [C] Schubert, Franz: Trio in E flat, op. 100, D. 929, for violin, piano, and cello, 2nd movement

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0.96052911249293 = Rh. 2.01 * 0.4 + P. 0.26088185415489 * (1-0.4) [C] Dvorák, Antonín: Slavonic dances No. 6 opi2 No. 8 5th theme

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0.96052911249293 = Rh. 2.01 * 0.4 + P. 0.26088185415489 * (1-0.4) [F] Lemmie Brezil's

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0.96052911249293 = Rh. 2.01 * 0.4 + P. 0.26088185415489 * (1-0.4) [F] Down The Road, source: via PR

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0.96052911249293 = Rh. 2.01 * 0.4 + P. 0.26088185415489 * (1-0.4) [F] RIQUENIEE 2

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0.9735873374788 = Rh. 2.01 * 0.4 + P. 0.28264556246467 * (1-0.4) [F] F. Paris: Rue de l'oiseau: En Flandres (F. Paris)

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0.9735873374788 = Rh. 2.01 * 0.4 + P. 0.28264556246467 * (1-0.4) [F] One More Step ..., source: H & S, via EF

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0.99970378745054 = Rh. 2.01 * 0.4 + P. 0.32617297908423 * (1-0.4) [C] Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus: piano concerto No. 5 in D K175, 1st movement, 1st theme
Konzert in D KV 175 1. Satz 1. Thema

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0.99970378745054 = Rh. 2.01 * 0.4 + P. 0.32617297908423 * (1-0.4) [F] Silver Spear

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