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32.427 k620-7j~noguchi.mid - 13.1 K
from askd midi 27001-27501
matching part: 0:47-0:51

32.547 midi047.mid - 23.1 K 
�� �R ( �U�� ) Edited by [email protected]
from askd çÍ·×Íø-MIDIÒôÀÖ
matching part: 0:12-0:14

An identical MIDI file can also be found here:

32.8277 Lovelove.mid - 36.9 K 
Titl : LOVE LOVE LOVE Lyrics: MIWA YOSHIDA Music : MASATO NAKAMURA Data : T.MURA [email protected]... [view all text]
from askd Yahoo!²»À¼¸¡º÷ - ¾ïÈ×µ®»Ò
matching part: 0:05-0:10

An identical MIDI file can also be found here:

33.4818 bobhope.mid - 21.7 K 
Sequenced by Deb Ackley 11 14 98 by special request for Doug Sterner and Bob Hope at the Hall Of ... [view all text]
from askd A Few of FR's Finest....Every Day....07-31-03.....
matching part: 0:40-0:59

33.4818 thanx.mid - 21.8 K 
Sequenced by Deb Ackley 11 14 98 by special request for Doug Sterner and Bob Hope at the Hall Of ... [view all text]
from askd Memorial: Thanx For The Memories
matching part: 0:40-0:59

34.058 TonyAhn-BooTakHae.mid - 3.0 K 
from askd KOREAN_MUSIC_DL's Xanga Site
matching part: 0:02-0:09

An identical MIDI file can also be found here:

34.2062 differentdrum.mid - 34.2 K
from askd Love & revenge - Powered By Bloglines
matching part: 0:17-0:26

An identical MIDI file can also be found here:

34.2838 an_me_nooit_niet_nooit_meer_-_gebroeders_grimm.mid - 43.7 K Karaoke 
An me nooit niet nooit meer - Gebroeders Grimm
Ik wilde gaan zwemmen dat doe ik wel meer Maar het doet van m'n hoofd tot m'n tenen nog zeer Wan... [view all text]
from askd The World of Free Midi Music and Midi Files - M...
matching part: 0:33-0:38

34.4582 haveuevr.kar - 64.9 K Karaoke 
HAVE YOU EVER REALLY LOVED A WOMAN Bryan Adams Karaoke by Raphael Pungin ([email protected])
To really love a woman to understand her you gotta know her deep inside Hear every thought see e... [view all text]
from askd Chris Reed's Karaoke Home Page
matching part: 0:21-0:27

34.4993 yoursong.kar - 30.9 K Karaoke 
Your Song Elton John Karaoke file by [email protected]
It's a little bit funny this feelin' inside. I'm not one of those who can easily hide. I don't h... [view all text]
from askd Chris Reed's Karaoke Home Page
matching part: 0:19-0:25

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