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18.364 als_ik_toch_eens_rijk_was.mid - 27.4 K Karaoke 
If I Were A Rich Man Als ik toch eens rijk was - Lex Goudsmit
Als ik toch eens rijk was Dedel deidel dedel dedel deidel dedel deidel dom Alle dagen biddie bid... [view all text]
from askd The World of Free Midi Music and Midi Files - M...
matching part: 0:37-0:59

18.364 als_ik_niet_zo_rijk_was.mid - 26.1 K Karaoke 
Als ik niet zo rijk was - Martine Bijl [email protected] If I Were A Rich Man
Als ik niet zo rijk was Deideldiedeldeideldiedel Deideldiedeldeideldom Niet zo rijk zijn lijkt m... [view all text]
from askd The World of Free Midi Music and Midi Files - M...
matching part: 0:37-0:59

18.7963 125.mid - 23.9 K 
This file may only be used in non-commercial environment only!
from askd ¾ßÈÄ! ºí·Î±× - hanleechoiÀÇ ºí·�...
matching part: 0:17-0:25

An identical MIDI file can also be found here:

19.2438 Strangers In The Night - (Frank Sinatra) .kar - 30.2 K Karaoke 
Strangers In The Night Frank Sinatra
Strangers in the night exchanging glances wond'ring in the night what were the chances we'd be s... [view all text]
from askd The Official Illana May Website
matching part: 1:00-1:15

19.3347 nishiwoyibeizda.mid - 28.2 K
from askd midi- Powered by ²©Ò×
matching part: 0:45-1:01

An identical MIDI file can also be found here:

19.6924 HeWasDespised.mid - 9.3 K
from askd midi 16001-16501
matching part: 0:43-0:51

19.932 fortress.mid - 43.4 K 
Converted by W2M 1.0 .. made by loveforu..
from askd MIDI­µ¼Ö
matching part: 0:18-0:23

An identical MIDI file can also be found here:

19.9491 beethov_sym9_4.mid - 175.7 K
from askd À½¾Ç°¨»ó½Ç
matching part: 0:07-0:09

19.9491 kish-lesnik.mid - 33.2 K Karaoke 
������ � ���: "������" �������� �., ������ �. ������� ��������
Èçìó÷åííûé äîðîãîé ÿ âûáèëñÿ èç ñèë. È â äîìå ëåñíèêà ÿ íî÷ëåãà ïîïðîñèë. Ñ óëûáêîé äîáðîäóøíîé ... [view all text]
from askd Ñêà÷àòü ìåëîäèè mid - áåñïë�...
matching part: 0:11-0:15

19.9948 midi031.mid - 23.4 K
from askd çÍ·×Íø-MIDIÒôÀÖ
matching part: 0:20-0:26

An identical MIDI file can also be found here:

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