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12.6008 GeorgeMichael_Amazing.mid - 69.7 K 
(c)2004 TMF Online Austria
©®2004 TMF Online™ Austria XFln::Amazing - George Michael:©®2004 TMF Online™ Austria::©®2004 TMF ... [view all text]
from askd VyVolení + Warez
matching part: 2:02-4:17

An identical MIDI file can also be found here:

57.5803 680.mid - 27.6 K 
Boqi Tang ¶þ»ÆÅö°å ת Ô­°æ ת ¶â°å
from askd ÒôÀÖ¿§·ÈÎÝ¡ª¡ªÖйúÃñ¸è½�...
matching part: 0:32-0:39

126.377 clearly.kar - 20.5 K Karaoke 
I CAN SEE CLEARLY NOW Hothouse Flowers
I can see clearly now the rain has gone I can see all obstacles in my way Gone are the dark clou... [view all text]
from askd Chris Reed's Karaoke Home Page
matching part: 1:19-1:35

An identical MIDI file can also be found here:

135.892 jinglebells_p.mid - 4.1 K Karaoke 
Jingle Bells (c)1995 Melton Productions
PsmPlayer V3.33e
from askd ::::::::DOWNLOAD PREKO 20 000 MP3 NOVITETA,DOWN...
matching part: 0:14-0:33

137.834 416.mid - 50.7 K 
ÕâÒ»¶ÎÇé¸è¶Ô³ªÒôÀÖÊÇΪˮ¹ûºþ¶þСÈýÄ꼶ÓïÎÄ×é±àÅä¡£Ëü°üÀ¨ÓÐʮһÊ×Á÷ÐеÄÇé¸è£»ÓÐÍäÍäµÄСºÓ£¬°½°üÏà... [view all text]
from askd MIDIÒôÀÖ
matching part: 0:17-0:22

An identical MIDI file can also be found here:

138.293 hij_is_vuur.mid - 58.6 K Karaoke 
Hij is vuur - The Wedding Song
Nu al eeuwen lang geleden In een streek in de Jordaan Woont een man men zegt van Hem Hij is uit ... [view all text]
from askd The World of Free Midi Music and Midi Files - M...
matching part: 0:46-1:15

138.902 herewego.mid - 59.5 K Karaoke
from askd Skylars midis page two
matching part: 0:24-0:34

An identical MIDI file can also be found here:

138.964 iedere_jongen.mid - 38.0 K Karaoke 
Iedere jongen gaat uit met z'n meisje - Rene Frank
Iedere jongen gaat uit met z'n meisje Ze lopen voorbij twee aan twee Iedere jongen gaat uit met ... [view all text]
from askd The World of Free Midi Music and Midi Files - M...
matching part: 0:18-0:28

139.151 jinglebells2_p.mid - 13.8 K Karaoke 
PsmPlayer V3.33e
from askd ::::::::DOWNLOAD PREKO 20 000 MP3 NOVITETA,DOWN...
matching part: 0:13-0:29

139.163 kar_126.kar - 25.6 K Karaoke 
328-O P�o da Vida NOSSO LOUVOR�
O Pão da Vida descido dos céus Dá paz saúde e vigor! O pão celeste mandado por Deus És Tu ó meu ... [view all text]
from askd HINOS CCB - hinos ccb congregação cristã no ...
matching part: 0:20-0:31

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