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1.1164600638978 = Rh. 2.01 * 0.4 + P. 0.52076677316294 * (1-0.4) [F] Tradicional: Rumba, area: Asturies, origin: Os Coutos (Ibias), source: Música Tradicional Asturiana, (C) Tello & Tito. Asturies, 2001. , notes: Versión del Gaiteru Clemente de Valdeferreiros

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1.1164600638978 = Rh. 2.01 * 0.4 + P. 0.52076677316294 * (1-0.4) [F] Tradicional: Danza (Teberga 6), area: Asturies, origin: Teberga, book: DyC en Teberga, páxina 143, source: Música Tradicional Asturiana, (C) Tello & Tito. Asturies, 2001.

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1.1164600638978 = Rh. 2.01 * 0.4 + P. 0.52076677316294 * (1-0.4) [F] Loffet 7: Kas a barh

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1.1164600638978 = Rh. 2.01 * 0.4 + P. 0.52076677316294 * (1-0.4) [F]  Betty Patton

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1.1164600638978 = Rh. 2.01 * 0.4 + P. 0.52076677316294 * (1-0.4) [F] Bonny Charlie, notes: King of the Fairies

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1.1164600638978 = Rh. 2.01 * 0.4 + P. 0.52076677316294 * (1-0.4) [F] Le hareng saur, area: FLANDRE, origin: FRANCE

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1.1164600638978 = Rh. 2.01 * 0.4 + P. 0.52076677316294 * (1-0.4) [C] Gottschalk, Louis Moreau: Souvenirs d'Andalousie 3rd theme
Caprice de concert

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1.1404217252396 = Rh. 2.01 * 0.4 + P. 0.56070287539936 * (1-0.4) [C] Bach, Johann Sebastian: suite No. 1 in C, orch courante BWV1066

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1.1404217252396 = Rh. 2.01 * 0.4 + P. 0.56070287539936 * (1-0.4) [F] Tradicional: Manolillo (MQ 050), area: Asturies, source: Música Tradicional Asturiana, (C) Tello & Tito. Asturies, 2001. , notes: Danza que recogí de los grupos del Centro Asturiano de Madrid.

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1.1404217252396 = Rh. 2.01 * 0.4 + P. 0.56070287539936 * (1-0.4) [F] Tradicional: Lluita, area: Asturies, source: Música Tradicional Asturiana, (C) Tello & Tito. Asturies, 2001.

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